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KRHOP supports quality, financial and operational improvement and population health in rural, Kansas hospitals.

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KRHOP is a partnership between the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Bureau of Community Health Systems and HealthWorks. KRHOP offers technical support, information, networking opportunities, funding and other resources to Critical Access Hospitals and other rural providers.

KRHOP demonstrates the power of coordinated efforts by public and private sectors at the state, regional and local levels. Funding for the KRHOP initiatives is provided by the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program (FLEX) grant and the Small Hospital Improvement Program grant (SHIP) awarded to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment from the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, Health Resources and Services Administration.

Current Projects

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Care Transitions

icon patient satisfaction

Health Equity

icon employee health

Employee Health, Wellness and Safety Cohort

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Swing Bed Work Group